
"Audentes fortuna iuvat." Fortune favors the bold. There is a lot of immersion in the music and especially in the lyrics of POWERSTROKE. Originally a trash/hardcore combo that rose from the underground, crushing yet grooving in a unique way. Through the years we as a band created a musical brand on our own. We were never part of the flock of sheep, on the contrary we are always there to spill the blood of the weak. Marching proudly against all musical standards and named genres. We grew from a little monster into a fierce dragon, ready to consume whoever lingers in ordinary society and imposed religious structures. Call us The Horsemen of The Adversary. We walk on The Path against all others. We invite you and challenge you to walk this Path with us, to experience the elements of Will and Self-illumination. May Cain reside in you, the nature of the Luciferian spirit is purest beauty. Powerstroke plays deathpop exclusively.

Factory Festival

p.a. Oostkade 14, 4551 CL Sas van Gent
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De Leutfabriek

Vlaanderenplein, 4551 BP Sas van Gent